Calling all alumnae! Below is a request from our sisters at Washington University in St. Louis. Please let them know if you are able to assist.

Phi Chapter Recruitment will be held on the following days:
Thursday 1/26: 5:30-9:45: Sisterhood day 1
Friday 1/27: 5:30-9:45: Sisterhood day 2
Saturday 1/28: 9AM-5:45PM: Philanthropy Day
Sunday 1/29: 9AM-5:15PM: Preference Day
We are hoping alumnae might be able to help with set-up and cleanup on the weekend days (1/28-1/29). We could really use the help, but would also just love a chance to interact with our alumnae and get to know you better! We will begin setup at 7AM and cleanup around 15 minutes after the end of the final party on each day. Neither will involve any heavy lifting or furniture moving. We are mainly looking for help with centerpieces, balloons, signs, etc.
We would also really appreciate it if any alumnae would like to bring small snacks or drinks for the girls to energize them in between parties. We have 42 girls recruiting, so we will want enough snacks for everyone, but no one alum should feel the pressure to bring food for all of them.
Here is a link to sign up for setup, cleanup, and snacks! It is a live Google docs link, so alumnae can input their information there:
All of our recruitment events will be held in one room on campus, the Women’s Building Formal Lounge. The Women’s Building is located in the center of campus. The screenshot below shows the Women’s Building near the blue box. We would recommend parking in the Millbrook Garage (6902 Forest Park Parkway). Then, take the elevator or steps up to the main level of campus right near the building. Once inside, the formal lounge is the first room on the left.
We will follow up with a reminder and all of these details over email as recruitment gets closer.
Please contact Phi's Recruitment Advisor at with any questions!
